Amazing Health Benefits of Sea Water

Sea water has a very complex composition that contains numerous elements, gases, and ions. Oxygen and carbon dioxide are the two main gases disbanded in it. It encompasses salty ions like sodium, magnesium, chloride, calcium, and many others, which sources its salinity i.e., makes it salty. History illustrates the medical use of sea water dated back in the 4th century B.C by Hippocrates, father of modern medicine. He used the word “thalassotherapy” for sea water. Thalassa is a Greek word that means water and therapy mean to cure. Hippocrates was the first one to employ water for curing purposes.  Sea water encloses the same 84 vital elements which are present in the human body. It is also encumbered in living microorganisms that tremendously of assistance to the human body, like antibiotics, antimicrobials, and antibacterial substances. It has the same meditation of minerals and traces elements as human blood plasma.

Sea water is used in many spas for beauty treatments. The salt from sea water helps to remove the toxins from the human skin and act as an exfoliator; it removes dead cells and helps to produce new healthy ones. It contains magnesium, which replenishes our skin, improves its hydration, and improves the overall appearance. One important benefit is that it treats irritated and damaged skin. It can reduce inflammation and can cure many skin disorders like atopic dermatitis, rosacea, psoriasis, and eczema. It also has many antiseptic properties useful in curing rashes minor wounds and abrasions, and potassium chloride is majorly responsible for such mending effects.

Sea water can increase the immunity, and it is proved by a study that shows cherry tomatoes grown from sea water has more amount of antioxidants than those grown using freshwater. And these anti-oxidants increase immunity. Swimming in sea water can significantly contribute to our overall health. It opens skin pores allowing them to absorb sea minerals while helping them expel harmful toxins, responsible for numerous diseases. It also increases the level of oxygen in our bloodstream and the beneficial elements needed by the blood to fight off free radicals.  Sea air and sea mist are rich in negatively charged hydrogen ions, which are powerful anti-oxidants. The iodine in sea water boosts the thyroid activity. In fact, thalassotherapy increases blood circulation by replenishes the human body with minerals that are depleted due to different internal and external factors. Sea water also can relieve cold and flu symptoms and to cure bronchitis and sinusitis. Inhaling sodium chloride and salt from sea water helps loosen mucus and treat pulmonary problems.

One of the greatest benefits of sea water is reducing stress and healing of the mind. Sea water and sun work in synergy to treat many mental disorders like depression, nervousness, anxiety, apathy, and many others. Magnesium, lithium, and bromine contained in sea water are calming elements that calm the human mind and have the ability to stabilize and maintain proper serotonin, melatonin, and tryptamine levels in the brain. Lithium is used in medicines that treat psychological problems and especially bipolar disorder. High level of magnesium in sea water helps reduces the stress, relax muscles and nerves, and induce calmness. Minerals in sea water are natural hypnotics that promote good quality sleep and help cure insomnia. In a nutshell, sea water helps cure many nervous problems and increase the sense of well-being and relaxation.

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