How Many Religions are There in the World?

Different people adopt different religions to find God. Religions make a spiritual connection between God and man.  The main purpose of every religion in the world is to create peace and to bond people. Every religion teaches it’s a follower to love humanity and after it to God.  It is a wrong belief that Allah, God, and other names that are being used by other religions are different.  Some followers have an immense belief that God is one, and some reject it. Prophets of God founded all the religions which are now in the world. Some religions are too old; even it becomes tough to find their origin and the Prophet who founded it. There are about 4200 religions in the world, but the minority of people have no belief in God means that they don’t follow any religions. They strictly reject views of every religion these kinds of people mainly found in Europe. Asia is considered a home of religions; some people have immense beliefs in their religions. Here is a list of religions in the world sorted by the number of its follower.



One of the world’s most famous religions is Christianity, with about 2.1 billion adherents. The origin of Christianity is Israel, and Christians follow the Prophet Jesus, and they believe that Jesus is a son of God, and he accepted the penalty of the cross just for his followers. Vatican City is a country with a high percentage of Christians. Moreover, adherents of Christianity also are in other parts of the world, especially in Europe and Australia. There are three basic sects of Christianity, namely the Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodox Church, and Protectionism.  The worship place of Christians is a church. Holly Bible is considered a religious book in Christianity. According to a survey, the number of followers is declined in recent years.



Islam is the second large religion in the world, having about 1.6 billion believers. Saudi Arabia is the origin of Islam, and Prophet Muhammad (SAW) is the founder of Islam. In the Middle East, Islam is the largest religion as well in Pakistan, Nigeria, Afghanistan, and Indonesia. Three main sects of Islam are Sunni Muslims, Shi’a, and Ahmadiyya Jamat.  Holy Quran is a religious book of Islam.

The majority of Muslims are Sunni Muslims, and 100% population of Saudi Arabia is Sunni, as well as 80% of the Muslims in Pakistan, are belonging to Sunni Jamaat. Iraq, Turkey, and India also have a majority of Sunni Muslims. These Muslims believe in five pillars of Islam and on the final Day of Judgment. They Consider Prophet Muhammad (SAW) is the seal of prophets God has stopped sending his prophets.

Only 1% of the Muslims belong to the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. It was established in 1889 in Qadian, a small town in India by Hazarat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad. Beliefs of Ahmadis are close to Sunni Muslims, but there is a significant difference Sunni’s don’t consider Mirza Ghulam Ahmad to be a prophet. Still, Ahmedies have a belief that Ghulam Ahmad is a prophet and Massih, and his duty was to renew the teachings of Islam and to spread love among all religions. They are promoting their motto, “Love for All Hatred for None.”



The population of India is 1.2 billion, and 70% of the population is Hindu as well. India is the origin of Hinduism. Nepal and Bhutan also have a minority of Hindus. The exact figure of Hindus is 900,000,000 Hinduism is an ancient religion exact age is not defined. Hinduism was founded by Krishna. Many of the Hindus were migrated from India to other European countries, so the presence of Hinduism can also be seen in the U.K. and   Canada. Diwali and Holi are both religious festivals of Hindus. They celebrate them every year. There are also many other traditions in this religion. The exciting thing about Hinduism is that they burn their loved ones after they die, and the remaining body delivers to the Ganga River. Geeta is a religious book of Hindus. Temple is the worship place of Hindu.



With 535 million followers, Buddhism is the fourth-largest religion in the world. Gautama Buddha founded this religion in the 4th centenary BCE. Indian Subcontinent is the origin of Buddhism.  Buddhism is one of the oldest religions in the world. The statue of Buddha is very famous in Thailand. Many visitors enjoy the view of the statue. Buddhism is popular in Asian countries like Myanmar (Burma), India, Thailand, Hong Kong, and Vietnam.  Many interesting things can be found about this religion as followers believe in rebirth. Rebirth can be described as a man who can get reborn seven times at second birth. He may be converted into an animal. Monks wear a special kind of dress named Kasaya, which makes them unique from others.



14.2 million people make Judaism  5th most powerful religion in the world. The official religion of Israel is Judaism, even symbols of Judaism that can be found on the flag of Israel. Jews can also be found in the U.S. and Palestine. Jews follow the Prophet Musa, Abraham Isaac and Jacob are the ancestors of Prophet Musa.

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2 Responses

  1. Hinduism wasn’t found by Krishna. Please don’t write incorrect facts. No one knows who established Hinduism – how do you explain hindu customs during ramayana which happened thousands of years before Krishna’s arrival?

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